Berthold Stöger's Research

Research interests

Crystal of (Co,Ni)2As2O7 viewed under a polarizing microscope, featuring systematic twinning

My main research focus is the structural characterization of single crystalline samples that do not follow the definition of classic crystallography (three-dimensional periodicity). Notably:

Current projects that I work on are:

Moreover, I perform theoretical work on the order-disorder (OD) theory (in cooperation with Erich Zobetz):

Practical Courses, Bachelor and Master Theses

In collaboration with Matthias Weil I supervise practical courses, bachelor and master theses at any time. The focus is on growth of single crystals and determination of crystal structures by single crystal diffraction. Moreover, samples are characterized by complementary methods like powder diffraction under non-ambient conditions and thermal analyses.

For more information please use the contact details below.

Single Crystal Structure Service

In cooperation with the X-Ray Centre (XRC) of the Vienna University of Technology, Matthias Weil and myself provide a single crystal diffraction service for small molecules and inorganic compounds. We provide:

Prices vary depending on the complexity of the problem, the type of the project (university, sponsored by research grants, industry) and whether the results will be published. For further information call or write an email to:


Berthold Stöger
Getreidemarkt 9/164-SC
1060 Wien

Tel.: +43 (1) 58801 - 17123
Fax.: +43 (1) 58801 - 17199


For a (more or less complete) list of my publications, click here. A selected list of publications on the above topics:

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